Joint Pastoral Council of St. John XXIII
This group of men and women is an advisory body to the pastor and support him in meeting the physical, spiritual and temporal needs of the St. John XXIII Catholic Community comprised of the parishes of St. Agnes and St. Matthias. Some are members of the congregation at large, others represent some of the parish organizations. The council meets on the second Monday of the month from September through June in the parish hall (alternating between locations). Any registered member (age 16 and older) is welcome for membership consideration. Please call John Hughes at 774-364-0925 or John Rogers at 860-235-8655.
Finance Council
The Parish Finance Committee is an advisory body to the pastor. It meets several times a year to review income and expenses. It prepares the Annual Financial Report to the parish. The pastor consults with members of the council before committing the parish to major projects. The members are appointed by the Pastor.