Art & Environment


Floral Ministry

This small group of dedicated individuals assist with arranging and caring for floral arrangements which enhance our sacred environment. Please use the following contact information:

  • Saint Agnes: Maryanne Nazarchyk at 860-912-5663
  • Saint Matthias: Kathleen Reilly at 860-739-8633 or Regina Kowenhoven at 860-739-2469

St. Ann Guild

This dedicated group of volunteers is responsible for cleaning the sanctuary areas of both the church and chapel. Care of the vestments, washing and ironing of the purificators and other cloths and items used for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass are scheduled on a rotating basis involving about an hour’s work every few weeks.

Please use the following contact information:

  • Saint Agnes: Alice Trakas at 860-739-7874
  • Saint Matthias: To be determined