Contact Us

Contact Us

Phone: 860-739-9722

Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Closed Holy Days & Civil Holidays

Our mailing address:
St. Agnes and St. Matthias Catholic Church
22 Haigh Avenue
Niantic, CT 06357

Full Staff Contact List

Fr. Gregory Mullaney 860-739-9722 x225

Weekend Assistants:
Fr. Joseph Castaldi, Retired

Parish Office:
Jennifer Fant and Martha Llorens 860-739-9722 x223

Business Manager:
Dona Stankov 860-739-9722 x233

Director of Religious Education and OCIA:
Meghan Cambridge 860-739-9722 x236

Youth Ministry:
Abby Whewell 860-739-9722 x236

Music Ministry:
Organist: Steve Lattanzi 860-917-7741
Guitarist: Matt Wimberger, Jeff Mattson and Jeff Kyser
Cantor: Jon Firman 860-334-7014 and Emily Lattanzi

Bereavement Support Group:
Linda Young 203-415-8202

St. Vincent de Paul Help Line:
Assistance  860-389-0854